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Deploying Bicep Files Part 6 - Scopes & Stacks
If you haven't already, please check out the previous parts of this series. Part 1 - All about Bicep & Deploying Bicep Files  Part 2 -...

Deploying Bicep Files Part 5 - GitHub Actions
If you haven't already, please check out the previous parts of this series. Part 1 - All about Bicep & Deploying Bicep Files  Part 2 -...
All about Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a fully-managed, serverless data integration service. You can easily create data pipelines to do ETL...

GitHub Copilot Features Explained
In this blog post, I would like to discuss all of the latest features with GitHub Copilot. The feature list is constantly changing: Some...

All About Azure Storage SAS Tokens
Shared Access Signatures (SAS) are one way to provide secure access to your Azure Storage Accounts. SAS tokens come in 3 different...

Azure Availability Zones
Availability Zones are physically separate locations within a single Azure region. An Availability Zone might be just a single...

Azure PaaS Private Endpoints & Disaster Recovery
Most Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings include support for private endpoints. A private endpoint is a special type of Network...

My Azure Stack HCI Home Lab - Part 5
Warnings : "Azure Stack HCI" has been re-branded/renamed to "Azure Local" ECC RAM might be a hard requirement now, where it wasn't before....

My Azure Stack HCI Home Lab - Part 4
If you haven't already please check out the other parts of the series first: Part 1: The physical hardware Part 2: Prerequisite Steps &...

My Azure Stack HCI Home Lab - Part 3
If you haven't already please check out the other parts of the series first: Part 1: The physical hardware Part 2: Prerequisite Steps &...

My Azure Stack HCI Home Lab - Part 2
Warnings : "Azure Stack HCI" has been re-branded/renamed to "Azure Local" ECC RAM might be a hard requirement now, where it wasn't before....

My Azure Stack HCI Home Lab - Part 1
If you haven't already please check out the other parts of the series first: Part 1: The physical hardware (you're reading it now) Part...

GitHub Actions Runner Controller (ARC)
I'd like to start this post by discussing some history. Before GitHub Actions there was Azure DevOps Pipelines, which has awesome...

GitHub Packages - NPM Registry
GitHub Packages supports multiple different types of package registries. In this post, I will be discussing the package registry for...

GitHub APIs, GitHub Tokens, and GitHub Action Workflows
Lately, I have been working on a few projects that use GitHub Action Workflows. In one project, I tried to use a GitHub Workflow to...

GitHub Workflows - Advanced Basics
First, let's go over some high level basics of GitHub Workflows. Each GitHub Workflow is made up of one or more Jobs. Each Job is made up...

Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines - Part 7
Stages, Jobs, and Steps There are a lot of topics to cover for YAML-based Pipelines in Azure DevOps. So, I will be breaking this up into...

GitHub Advanced Security
GitHub Advanced Security, or GHAS, is a collection of features and tools to help you maintain secure and high quality code in your GitHub...

CI/CD with Azure Synapse Analytics
In my head, I consider Synapse Analytics to be somewhat of a "version 2" of the Azure Data Factory (ADF) resource. However, I don't...

Azure App Services Architecture
Azure App Services is one of Azure's oldest services. In fact, it is considered to be Azure's original PaaS service. There is a lot...

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